Belong / Streets Pt. 2

taken on digital and bw film.

election (month) was hell, but we got through it. this year is almost over, thank god. to quote mlk: “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” i’m hoping, that as time passes, this trend continues.

i’m really proud of this set. my eye and technique have improved quite a bit since installment one. the artist-impostor syndrome is slowly starting to lessen, but i still find myself wanting to increase the difficulty of these shoots past what’s reasonable.

i don’t think that’s realistic. photography can only get so hard. we live in an image-driven age, so what separates “real photography” from “fake photography”?

not much. some of it really is luck, and i have to acknowledge that. but the other half is courage and curiosity and the willingness to shoot whatever piques my interest, even if it means i look like an idiot. i think that’s the true nature of photography. that childish sort of wonder. 

street photography has really helped me cope with these confusing, somewhat prophetic worldly events.  we’re in the last stretch of this pandemic (i’m hoping, at least). but it’s quite fascinating to live through history with all of you. here’s to another year.

installment two.

12/3/20 m.c.