
Senior Profile: Ellen Kim

You can find her in the courtroom using every bit of information given to her to prove the defendant’s guilt or you will find her out working with her fellow peers on climate change action for the better of our future. This is where you will find Ellen Kim.

Ellen Kim’s journey in policy began just in 8th grade when her American history class did a mock trial. That one class mock trial set the stone for what Ellen wanted to be a part of throughout her high school years. 

She went into Mock Trial to work on her public speaking as she had always struggled with talking in front of crowds. Ellen emphasizes how the Mock trial really helped her public speaking tremendously since four years ago, she used to be terrified to make mistakes knowing people were watching her, but now she accepts mistakes will happen. 

Ellen is a person who really enjoys interacting, especially with people she is particularly not too familiar with. “The community is definitely my favorite part of Mock Trial, especially interacting with the JV team as I am not super close with people on that team,” Ellen says.

Through Mock Trial, Ellen has met and gotten closer with many peers who have become supportive friends; one of those supportive peers is Alexis MacAvoy. “She doesn’t sit around waiting for things to happen, she makes an impact on her community and various groups she is a part of,” Alexis says. 

Ellen’s most enjoyable type of cases are the ones that are somewhat realistic but out there. “Beyond believable cases are what makes Mock Trial so fun,” says Ellen Kim.

Although the Mock trial is one of Ellen’s most significant achievements, she has been super involved environmentally in and outside of school. She is a member of the school’s green team. Along with her school’s environmental success, she started an environmental advocacy organization with her friends called ATTACC. This organization is her way to do more for the environment as the main purpose Ellen and her peers are trying to achieve is educating more teenagers about climate issues and how to take action.

If you want something done efficiently and wholeheartedly, Ellen is perfect for the job. She is determined to change the world even if someone won’t.