
Senior Profile: Giancarlo Selvitella

“And up to bat, number 2, Giancarlo Selvitella!” Confidently striding towards the plate, with his trusty Louisville Slugger comes the star third baseman for San Mateo High School. The crowd hushes as the pitcher winds up, and explodes upon the resounding DING as GC swings with all his might.  

With years of experience under his belt, Giancarlo has grown from and with baseball, as well as two other sports, football and basketball. These sports, from such a young age, have shown him “work ethic, leadership, what it takes to be a leader, and what it takes to earn something for yourself” he expresses. Coming into high school, Giancarlo decided to focus on playing just football and baseball, improving on both as he grew older. Playing these sports throughout his 4 years of high school, his main focus was to “provide for the team”, and be the best player he could be each game and practice, to lead and rally his team through ups and downs. However, these efforts were not easy to maintain, as he has had to push through doubts by both himself and other players.  

Nevertheless, Giancarlo has not been brought down by these doubts and states that “it has always motivated me to work even harder, because I have never really been satisfied, and every game that I won I was never really satisfied the next day, I just wanted to keep winning and keep doing this. So that motivation makes me want to work harder.”

Of course, all the hard work he has put into his athletic ability in both football and baseball paid off, and has won a plethora of awards, affirmed by his teammates. These include First team all-league QB, MVP in the division, first team all-league baseball. Athlete of the Year 2022. 

As Giancarlo’s high school career comes to an end, he has decided he will be going to college playing baseball and working for a business degree. As a student, this degree was heavily impacted by his love and appreciation for government and economy teacher Mr. Moein. He has taught Giancarlo not only skills revolving around economics in the world, but also “stuff that you are going to need outside of high school and college”. Treating all his students with respect, Mr. Moeinlet all of them know that “you can still text him for help even once you are outside of high school,” which both Giancarlo and his classmates appreciate.