

The Polarization of Taylor Swift

A post of Taylor Swift’s Era’s Tour has popped up on your Instagram feed. You increase your brightness and are overwhelmed by glitter and fans: screaming, crying, and yelling. At the center of it all stands Taylor Swift.  In a sparkly midnight blue dress and her classic bold red lip, […]


Don’t Block Spotify on School Chromebooks

This year, Spotify was banned on school Chromebooks as a way to address the Wi-Fi speeds of San Mateo High School. Not only is this solution ineffective and harmful, leading students to become more distracted and Wi-Fi speeds to slow down, but it also foreshadows a dark future for censorship […]


NIMBYs are bad (and not just in Berkeley)

Berkeley residents opposed to development, or “NIMBYs” (short for “not in my backyard”), recently obtained a court order to cap UC Berkeley enrollment at the levels of previous years. California’s state government quickly wrote a bill to reverse the order, and Governor Gavin Newsom signed it on March 14.  The […]


CAASPP Testing is Unnecessary

This year, CAASPP testing has returned after the year of online school, and junior and senior students will have to undergo several hours of testing. The return of CAASPP testing is a nuisance and causes unnecessary stress for students and no one’s going to take it seriously. Juniors will take […]


Will the future be automated?

It is a known fact that our technology has been improving since the late 1900s. Of course, we would expect our high-end technology to be embedded in our daily lives, and that big change has started to become implemented; for example, we’ve got robot arms instead of people at assembly […]